Mom back pain triggers

Mom’s back pain triggers

Mom’s back pain triggers can appear after the baby is born and create discomfort. We should not be surprised that mothers suffer from these pains, given the positions they take when caring for children.

Many studies have shown that activities that cause us to sit in strange positions increase the risk of back pain. At the same time, it is known that lifting heavy weights favors low back pain due to the extra pressure placed on both the spine and the muscles in the lumbar area.


  1. Breastfeeding
  2. Lifting the baby from the stroller/crib
  3. Putting the child in the car seat
  4. Lifting the child from the floor



Breastfeeding mothers often sit in a position that puts pressure on the lumbar area, especially if the baby weighs more than 5 kilograms. To prevent this problem, a woman should sit, while breastfeeding, in a chair with a backrest or on a sofa in order to be able to lean.

The baby should be placed on a pillow so that the mother does not have to bend over to feed the baby. In this way, the back is protected and there is no risk of low back pain.


Lifting the baby from the stroller/crib

When a mother lifts the baby from the stroller, she tend to lifts by bending and lifting the middle.

Well, it would be correct to bend over the stroller by bending the knees, and lifting, after the child is taken in his arms, to do the same by moving the knees. Thus, the lumbar area is not overworked.


Putting the child in the car seat

Ideally, the car seat should be facing the car door, so that putting the child in the car seat is easy. Then, after the child is fastened with the seat belts, the seat will be put in its place and it will be secured with the seat belt.

If you find it complicated to always do this maneuver, sit on the bench, next to the little one’s chair, with him in your arms. Then rotate your torso and put the child in the chair.


Lifting the child from the floor

This is the most common mom back pain triggers.

In no case should you bend over by bending your back when you want to take the little one in your arms.

Keep your feet apart and lean down slightly until you reach the floor with your back. Take the little one in your arms, then stand up, straightening your legs gradually.

Mothers who have small children, who need repeated lifting and want to sit in their arms, should be very careful about the movements they make.

The more a mother is aware of the muscle groups and bone structures used during the execution of a movement, the more careful she will be when she makes those movements. Prevention is recommended for low back pain, so we should minimize the risks we are exposed to.

If your back pain does not give you peace of mind, contact your doctor. During breastfeeding, the use of medications to relieve back pain is contraindicated, so it is essential that pain is prevented.

Essential oils to treat pain in rheumatoid arthritis

Essential oils to treat pain in rheumatoid arthritis

Essential oils are made from various parts of plants, including roots, stems, leaves, flowers or fruits. These essential oils are used for both healing and aromatherapy.

Essential oils can be helpful in treating conditions that cause chronic pain, such as rheumatoid arthritis. This form of arthritis is an autoimmune disease that causes your immune system to attack your joints. Rheumatoid arthritis causes inflammation in the tissues of the joints, pain and swelling of the joints. If left untreated, rheumatoid arthritis can cause irreversible damage to the joints and cartilage.


  1. Eucalyptus essential oil
  2. Orange essential oil
  3. Turmeric essential oil
  4. Ginger essential oil
  5. Incense essential oil


Eucalyptus essential oil
This oil has many analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Eucalyptus oil can also improve blood circulation. In a 2013 study, researchers evaluated the effects of eucalyptus aromatherapy on pain management as a result of total knee replacement surgery. The study concluded that inhaling eucalyptus oil can significantly reduce inflammation, pain and blood pressure following this surgical procedure.

How to use it:
If you have rheumatoid arthritis, you can apply this diluted oil or a eucalyptus-based gel locally (on the affected area) to reduce inflammation and relieve pain.


Orange essential oil
These delicious fruits produce a strong essential oil, which has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antidepressant properties.

A 2017 study evaluated the effects of aromatherapy with orange essential oil on patients with pain in fractured limbs. Patients who inhaled the orange essential oil noticed a significant decrease in pain compared to those who did not use this oil, and researchers believe that it is beneficial as a complementary therapy.

How to use it:
You can also massage the areas affected by rheumatoid arthritis with previously diluted orange essential oil. You can massage the skin over the areas you miss to reduce pain if you suffer from arthritis.

Also, consider this trick: add a little orange essential oil (diluted before) in the bath water, if you want to take a bath, to enjoy its calming effect and to reduce pain throughout the body.


Turmeric essential oil
Turmeric is also a good healing agent. It contains curcumin, an active compound that is anti-inflammatory. As an essential oil, turmeric can be used to reduce inflammation, writes, to stimulate blood circulation and improve digestion.

How to use it:
To treat rheumatoid arthritis, you can apply local turmeric oil on the affected area, or you can leave it in a diffuser for essential oils, where it will spread its aroma in the air.


Ginger essential oil
Ginger is a famous healing ingredient, used both for its anti-inflammatory properties and for the visible effects in relieving pain.

A 2001 study evaluated the analgesic effects of ginger on joint pain and knee pain in patients with osteoarthritis. More than half of the study participants reduced their knee pain using ginger extract compared to people who used a placebo. At the same time, participants used fewer medications over time to treat their joint pain.

How to use it:
To use ginger oil for pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis, you can apply a few drops locally on the affected area. To emphasize the benefits, use a warm or hot compress after massaging the area with this oil.


Incense essential oil
Incense is a dry and hardened resin that comes from some species of shrubs of the genus Boswellia. By heating, incense emits a pleasant smell and has been used for centuries as a perfume, especially due to the smell. It is also known for its antiseptic, regenerative and anti-inflammatory properties.

A 2010 study confirmed that incense is a potential treatment for reducing inflammatory symptoms, especially for symptoms of osteoarthritis (osteoarthritis).

How to use it:
To treat rheumatoid arthritis, apply the incense essential oil (previously diluted) locally on the affected area.

Simple remedy for low back pain

Simple remedy for low back pain

Everyone needs to know a simple remedy for low back pain that can be done at home and does not require huge costs.

Many people suffer from low back pain nowadays. Sometimes we wake up restless and tormented by pain because we slept in an inappropriate position or did not move at all in our sleep. Sometimes this type of pain can appear at the end of the day.

The lumbar region is an important component of the human body, which is often affected by pain in some people. Standing down or standing for hours is a possible cause of its occurrence. Also, diet, emotional state, lack of exercise, inadequate exercise or digestive and intestinal disorders can have a significant impact.


  1. Warm water
  2. Alternating temperatures
  3. Massage with sesame and arnica oil


Warm water
The heat has a very beneficial effect on the lumbar region. This part of the body does not react well to cold, moisture and sedentary lifestyle.

The following remedy is based on hydrotherapy. This practice involves taking advantage of the therapeutic benefits of water at different temperatures. To combat low back pain, it is advisable to use warm water.


  • Wet your lumbar region with a stream of warm water, directing it from left to right and back. Gradually increase the water temperature until it becomes hot.
  • Perform this process for 3-4 minutes, preferably sitting down.
  • It is best for another person to direct the water jet so that you can sit comfortably, for example, on a plastic bench.
  • Avoid this treatment if you suffer from sciatica or a herniated disc.


Alternating temperatures
And this simple remedy for low back pain involves using water, but now you will have to alternate temperatures. Applying cold and warm water alternately will improve your blood circulation and relieve inflammation and pain.

The treatment below gives the most return when another person helps you. You will need hot and cold water (but not too cold), plus 2 medium-sized towels or cloths.


  • Soak the towel in warm water, squeeze it and apply it on the lumbar region. Ideally, you should lie on your stomach.
  • Let the towel stand for 30-60 seconds.
  • Repeat the process, this time with cold water.
  • Apply each towel separately at least 5 times. End the treatment with a towel soaked in warm water.
  • Dry the lumbar region well and keep it covered.


Massage with sesame and arnica oil
This simple remedy for low back pain involves a massage that is ideal for anyone. The lumbar region is one of the few parts of the back that we can touch with our own hands, but it is more practical to ask someone else to massage you.
In order to perform the massage, you need sesame oil, a product that raises the temperature in the targeted region. Mix it with arnica (in the form of oil, cream or gel), an ingredient with anti-inflammatory properties.


  • Start with a gentle massage to increase the temperature in the targeted region. Do not apply excessive pressure.
  • Then pay attention to both sides of the spine, using vertical movements.
  • Pinch the waist to release the accumulated tension. Grab as much skin as you can with your hands and pull it to separate the tissues and increase their flexibility.
Coccyx pain: causes and treatment

Coccyx pain: causes and treatment

Coccyx pain can be caused by an inflammation located in the coccyx, which is usually associated with local pain and tenderness around the terminal bone portion of the spine called the coccyx, between the buttocks, above the anus. The pain is often exacerbated when an individual is sitting.
Knot pains have their organic headquarters in the coccyx, which is the last segment of the spine.

Due to the terminal and superficial position occupied by it in the structure of the posterior pelvic wall, most of the symptoms are caused by trauma by direct mechanism: falling on the coccyx, kicking in this region or by repeated micro-traumas as in the case of drivers or professionals involves sitting for a long time.


  1. Causes of coccyx pain
  2. Treatment of coccyx pain


Causes of coccyx pain

  • Disease of the spine affecting the coccyx
  • Diseases of the nerves and muscles of the pelvic floor
  • Pathological processes in the bones of the pelvis
  • Direct or sigmoid diseases (hemorrhoids, proctitis, rectal fissures)
  • Perineum omission (for example, due to a difficult birth)
  • Perineal trauma during childbirth (hemorrhage in the subcutaneous adipose tissue around the coccyx)
  • Intestinal damage, which leads to diarrhea or constipation and therefore the habit of sitting in the toilet for a long time
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system
  • Coccyx cyst
  • The habit of constantly sitting on a chair
  • Emotional shock, stress or shock
  • Tight clothing (jeans), which puts pressure on the coccyx

Usually, pain in the coccyx occurs immediately after injury.

But in some cases, the pain may be mild and pass quickly, but after a few years, it suddenly reappears, with severe pain or burning sensation in the area.

The cause of the pain is usually due to sedentary lifestyle or prolonged sitting.


Treatment of coccyx pain

The strongest analgesics are recommended, reaching the administration of Morphine. Sometimes even under this treatment the symptoms do not subside.

The patient’s life is extremely affected, the quality of sleep is low. Radiation therapy is a method that can relieve coccyx pain. It is used in patients with advanced disease. In the long run, however, this method can decrease the body’s resistance and new cancers can appear in the irradiated area.

A healthy lifestyle can prevent many of the common ailments these days. Prevention is the most effective way to fight a disease.

When this type of pain was caused by a crack in osteoporosis, it is absolutely necessary to treat this disease.

First of all, a diet will be followed.

Smoking and alcohol consumption are prohibited, body weight is reduced and sports are recommended as much as possible.

Calcium and vitamin D should be given to women who have reached menopause and are experiencing these pains.

If the pain is from a tumor, it is essential to detect the type of cancer and, depending on the stage of the disease, appropriate treatment will be recommended.

Causes of back pain at night

Causes of back pain at night

Causes of back pain at night leads to a special type of lower back pain that could indicate a serious problem with the spine.

In the U.S., up to 80% of the population has some form of back pain at some point in their lives. It is the second most common reason why people see their doctor. But as debilitating as back pain can be, most cases of it are manageable, and people receiving physical therapy often see improvement within a few weeks.

With back pain at night, however, people cannot get the rest they need because they cannot get rid of their pain.


  1. What is back pain at night
  2. Causes of back pain at night
  3. Why back pain occurs at night


What is back pain at night?

Most people who suffer from back pain are able to adapt to the way they sleep to get relief from the pain they feel during the day. But with back pain at night, the pain doesn’t stop when a person goes to bed, no matter what adjustments they make. For some, the pain actually gets worse. And for others, the pain doesn’t start until they go to bed.

A person can go through a day with virtually no pain. But then at night, he or she may find it almost impossible to get a good night’s sleep.


Causes of back pain at night

  • Sleeping on a hard or soft mattress
  • Wear high-heeled shoes
  • Standing or sitting for a long time
  • Ankylosing spondylitis
  • Spinal cord tumor
  • Kidney stones
  • Pregnancy


Why back pain occurs at night?

Sleep on a hard or soft mattress
If you wake up during the night with back pain, the mattress you are sleeping on may be too hard or too soft. The body forms an abnormal angle and the relaxation of tense muscles is prevented, which increases the pain. Instead, a good mattress helps the spinal cord to be in the correct position while you rest.

You’re sleeping in the wrong position
Causes of back pain include sleeping in the wrong position. When you sleep and sit in the wrong position, your spine suffers.

  • If you are used to sleeping on your back, place a pillow under your knees to maintain your back curve and support your spine. The natural curve of the neck and the alignment of the shoulders, neck and head must be supported by the pillow under the head.
  • If you sleep on your stomach, your spine can be better supported if you put a pillow in your abdomen. Avoid holding your head on the pillow when sleeping in this position.
  • If you sleep on your sides, put a pillow between your legs so that your upper leg does not affect your spine. In this way, the pressure on the column is reduced.


Spinal cord tumor
Back pain is a symptom present in 90% of patients with spinal tumors, which can affect any of the structures of the spine. These pains may become more pronounced after you go to bed to fall asleep. In addition, the pain gets worse when you do physical activity.

Kidney stones
Kidney stones are heavy deposits of calcium, minerals and acid salts formed in the urine, they are concentrated in the urinary tract. Pain usually occurs during the night or early morning, possibly due to low urine output.

Yoga posture that reduce back pain

Yoga posture that reduce back pain

Practicing yoga posture that reduce back pain can help you feel better. You can do this yoga postures at home or anywhere you want.

If you suffer from chronic low back pain, yoga may relieve your pain as much as physical therapy, according to a new clinical study.

Low back pain, especially those caused by muscle tension or stretching or an incorrect posture of the spine, can be combated with the help of yoga practice.


  1. Child pose
  2. Sphinx pose
  3. Cobra pose
  4. Cat pose
  5. Triangle pose
  6. Pigeon pose
  7. Downward dog pose 
  8. Knees to chest
  9. Forward flexion
  10. Gentle twisting of the spine


Child pose

When low back pain does not give you peace in any form, nestle in this extremely relaxing asana. Your back will lengthen from vertebra to vertebra, and the pressure in the lumbar area will be eliminated.

Breathe for five, ten or even more minutes. Listen to your body, allow it to adjust its position on its own and take a deep breath. With each inspiration, you will feel a pleasant stretch, and on expiration you will feel a deeper and deeper relaxation.


Sphinx pose

This yoga pose that reduce back pain is wonderful for facilitating a correct posture of the lumbar area and for training the muscles responsible for the healthy position of the back.

Lie on your stomach, bring your palms on the mattress, next to your head, and keep your forearms on the floor. Push into your arms, tense your body and gently lift your chest off the mattress, keeping your head in the extension of the spine. Keep the abdomen active and do not exaggerate the movement of the back.


Cobra pose

Cobra pose helps to open the rib cage, stretch the abdominal muscles and relax the muscle tissue in the upper and lower back.

Start by lying on the floor, palms facing down, positioned at the ribs. As you bring your feet together and find a point of support at your fingertips, lift your torso with your palms (stretch your arms well) and orient your head on your back. Try to use the force of your back, not your hands, to lift your chest off the ground.

Maintain this posture for 5-10 breaths and repeat the cobra position as many times as necessary to get rid of the discomfort.


Cat pose

Cat pose is normally used to warm up the body before advanced yoga sessions. At the same time, this posture can help you get rid of unpleasant sensations in the upper and lower back, by relaxing the muscles.

Start by sitting on your knees and palms, feet apart at a comfortable distance. Gently lift your head and bend your spine so that your back is at a higher level (your back should be as arched as possible).

Hold the posture for a few seconds, then arch your spine in the opposite direction, orienting your head and shoulders down. When moving from one arch to the other of your back, you help your spine to sit in a neutral position, which intensely relaxes the muscles and releases tension.


Triangle pose

This yoga pose works in the direction of correcting body posture, straightening the back and stretching the muscles in the sides of the torso.

Start by standing with your lower limbs close together. Position your left leg a few inches back so that you have a 45-degree angle between your thighs. Lean sideways, with the right hand facing the right leg and the left hand flexed in the air.

The arms should be in a straight line, perpendicular to the right leg. Do not force your muscles to touch the floor with your right palm, the purpose of this position is to release the muscle fibers of the torso.

Make sure your back stays perfectly straight during exercise. Hold the position for 5-10 reps, then repeat the movement on the other side of the torso. Repeat as often as necessary.


Pigeon pose

Pigeon pose may be perceived as difficult by beginners, but it helps to relieve back pain indirectly and effectively relax the hip muscles eliminates the discomfort felt in the lumbar area.

Sit with your legs crossed and your palms pressed to the ground. While keeping your left leg bent, try to stretch your right leg back until it is (almost) perpendicular to your left leg. Hold the position for 5-10 breaths, then change sides and perform as many repetitions as you want.


Downward dog pose 

This pose will help you stretch not only your spine, but the entire back chain. Sometimes the pain is not caused by a back problem. If the legs and hips are tense, the spine may be forced into an unnatural position. The dog’s pose will stretch these muscles to relieve your back pain.


Knees to chest

Lie on your back and pull both knees to your chest, holding them close with your arms, as in the picture. Relax the edges and sit with your back straight. Swing from side to side to increase the feeling of relaxation. It is an effective exercise for both back pain and gastrointestinal discomfort.


Forward flexion

Sit on a yoga mat with your legs hip-width apart.
Bend your knees so that your torso is bent over your legs and continue to bend until your thighs touch your abdomen.
You need to clench your fists and place each fist separately in the curvature of the opposite elbow.
Relax your back, neck and head and clench your fists.
To relieve back pain, perform this movement 10-20 times, inhaling and exhaling deeply.


Gentle twisting of the spine

This yoga posture that reduce back pain is so simple that it can be done in bed, in the morning or before bed. You need to gently twist your back, stretching your spine and helping the lumbar area to relax.
Sit on your back, bend your left knee and bring it to the opposite side. Stay with both shoulders on the ground and orient your head to the left, relaxing your neck.

Cervical pain: causes and prevention

Cervical pain: causes and prevention

Cervical pain is pain in the neck area that does not radiate to other areas of the body such as the shoulders or arms. This pain is not a serious health problem, but it can cause major discomfort so it should be treated properly.

Cervical pain, or neck pain, is the third most common pain, after headache and low back pain.


  1. What is neck pain
  2. Causes of cervical pain
  3. Treatment of cervical pain
  4. How to prevent neck pain


What is neck pain?

Do you know that “stiff neck” feeling, sometimes accompanied by headaches, dizziness or nausea? You certainly know it, because it is the most common type of pain, after headaches and low back pain.

Well, that feeling you sometimes feel is actually acute or chronic neck pain and can seriously affect your quality of life.


Causes of cervical pain

The causes of neck pain are numerous, from mechanical overloads to infections / meningitis and vertebral tumors. But the most common are:

1. Damage to non-neural structures (overload pain);
2. Nerve compression (root pain);
3. Joint degeneration.


1. Overwork pain is the most common type of pain of all (85% of cases) and can develop in the context of:

  • repetitive physical overload;
  • prolonged vicious positions: keeping the head and neck bent forward, sideways or posteriorly for a long time, due to reading, watching TV or working at the computer;
  • adopting an incorrect resting position during the night, in particular a very soft bed or an improper pillow, which induce awkward positions of the spine;
  • mental tension, followed by the accumulation of muscle tension in the neck area;
  • intense physical exertion through activities that require keeping the hands above the head, such as painting or
  • lifting weights above the head.

Most often, the pain can disrupt sleep and may be accompanied by dizziness, headache or nausea. At other times, it may radiate to the shoulders, shoulder blades or occipitals.

The most common is in people who work in the office without a armrest or in which the keyboard they use is placed incorrectly. In general, it occurs frequently in people who demand a lot of arms and shoulders.

2. Root pain occurs due to mechanical or biochemical injury to the nerve roots of the nerves.

The most common cause is a herniated disc, followed by cervical spondylosis. Disc herniation is manifested by intense neck pain followed by brutal irradiation of pain along an upper limb, which may be accompanied by some degree of muscle weakness and tingling in the hands.

In the case of cervical spondylosis, the onset of pain usually occurs progressively, requiring further investigation to differentiate them.

3. Pain of joint origin

Because they are frequently strained and subjected to repeated microtrauma or even severe trauma, intervertebral joints can also be the cause of chronic neck pain. In general, in the case of this type of pain, the maximum painful area can be located precisely near the cervical joints.

Regardless of the way the pain appears, of the triggering factors and of its appearance and severity, it is necessary to present it to the doctor, in order to identify its origin and to make the differential diagnosis with other causes of infectious, tumor, etc. nature.


Treatment of cervical pain

After the specialist establishes the cause of the pain, the initial objective is to reduce it, by:

  • use of analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants:
  • massage, thermo-cryotherapy procedures;
  •  analgesic electrotherapy, TENS type, laser therapy;
  • TECAR therapy brings important benefits in neck pain. It contributes through vasodilation to the reduction of pain, muscle relaxation, activation of local self-healing processes. It has the advantage of being used in parallel with mechanical stimulation through massage or exercise.

Wearing a soft cervical collar to stabilize the neck can be beneficial in the first 72 hours of acute neck pain. In the case of root pain, it is necessary to avoid all daily activities that aggravate the pain.

Persistence and worsening of motor deficit is a surgical indication.

Cortisone infiltrations may be helpful in relieving symptoms of arthritic neck pain.

After the acute pain has been removed, treatment should be continued with physical therapy to:

  • softening of the paravertebral muscles;
  • stabilization of the cervical spine, by training the muscles of the neck and neck;
  • improving balance, proprioception;
  • correcting vicious positions;
  • increased mobility of the cervical spine.


How to prevent neck pain
1. Avoid exposure to cold and moisture.
2. Maintaining control, awareness of the posture of the cervical spine and correcting it, regardless of position;
3. Observance of the correct postures of the cervical spine during sleep;
4. Avoid using high pillows; use the orthopedic pillow or the simple roller, placed in the groove between the cervical spine and the occiput;
5. Avoid lifting weights greater than 4-5 kg ​​in one hand; it is necessary to distribute the weights equally in both hands;