Spinal Pain - What you need to know

Spinal Pain – What you need to know

If you are experiencing spinal pain that does not subside within a few days, then you need to see a rheumatologist. Many ailments with unpleasant long-term repercussions can be hidden behind back pain.



  1. Notions about the anatomy of the spine
  2. Cervical pain
  3. Chest pain
  4. Low back pain


Notions about the anatomy of the spine

The spine is divided into several regions. Depending on the location of the pain, we can figure out which region is affected and what the possible causes are.

The cervical spine is located at the neck and consists of 7 vertebrae.
The thoracic spine includes the shoulders and the back of the torso. It consists of 12 vertebrae.

The lumbar spine is located in the middle and includes 5 vertebrae. The area of ​​the sacro-coccygeal spine is located in the lower back (the sacral column includes 5 vertebrae, and the coccygeal area 4 or 5 vertebrae).


Cervical pain

Cervical pain is located in the back of the neck and can usually occur as a result of sudden movements, after various traumas or secondary to vicious positions.

If neck pain occurs suddenly, it is acute neck pain, probably caused by sudden movements and trauma secondary to ligament damage, displacement of vertebrae and muscle spasm.

Also, talking on the phone or typing while walking will maintain a normal (flexed) position of the cervical spine. Last but not least, inflammation at this level can be a cause of chronic pain syndrome.


Chest pain

Deaf, chronic or acute pain felt like a stab between the shoulders is most likely due to a pathology related to the thoracic spine. Trauma, degenerative diseases, sudden movements and vicious positions are also responsible for the appearance of pain at this level.

People who are overweight may also have acute or chronic chest pain. Another possible cause of localized pain between the shoulders is a herniated disc with various localizations. Skeletal deformities (scoliosis or kyphosis) are also involved in the occurrence of back pain.


Low back pain

Pain in the lumbar spine, or as it is popularly called, is a common and important cause of presentation to a doctor. Osteoporosis and spinal compression can be the cause of low back pain.

Also, inflammatory diseases can affect both the lumbar spine and the sacroiliac spine leading to inflammatory pain at this level. It is characterized by the appearance of pain after rest (usually at night and in the morning). Then, its relief during the day.

Osteoporosis in children

Osteoporosis in children

Osteoporosis in children or juvenile osteoporosis is a condition characterized by a decrease in the concentration of minerals in the bones, which leads to a decrease in bone density and an increased risk of fractures.

In children, osteoporosis is quite rare, and its occurrence is most often caused by certain medications or lifestyle, poor diet and lack of exercise.

Regarding the time of onset and duration of the disease, there is no rule, these being very variable depending on the underlying cause.

What is important in all cases is that this condition is correctly and early diagnosed to prevent complications as much as possible and to give the child a chance to regain bone mass so that the tip of the bone mass is as close as possible. of normal.



  1. Causes and risk factors
  2. Symptoms of Osteoporosis in children
  3. Treatment of Osteoporosis in children


Causes and risk factors

The causes of juvenile osteoporosis are divided into primary and secondary causes.

The primary causes of juvenile osteoporosis include:

  • imperfect osteogenesis;
  • osteoporosis-pseudoglioma syndrome;
  • Ehlers-Danlos syndrome;
  • Marfan syndrome;
  • Menkes syndrome;
  • idiopathic juvenile osteoporosis.

Secondary causes of juvenile osteoporosis include:

  • chronic inflammatory diseases, such as idiopathic juvenile arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease;
  • chronic malabsorption or eating disorders (eg anorexia nervosa);
  • other chronic diseases, such as chronic kidney disease and cystic fibrosis;
  • endocrine disorders such as hypogonadism,
  • hyperparathyroidism, hyperthyroidism, Cushing’s syndrome, growth hormone deficiency;
  • drugs such as glucocorticoids, anticonvulsants, methotrexate.

Risk factors are, on the one hand, genetic risk factors, which cannot be prevented, and, on the other hand, lifestyle risk factors, which can be prevented and corrected. Lifestyle risk factors include:

  • poor nutrition (especially low calcium and vitamin D intake);
  • lack of physical activity, especially in cases where the child is immobilized, but also excessive physical activity if it causes disorders of the menstrual cycle;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • excessive caffeine consumption.


Symptoms of Osteoporosis in children

Symptoms appear when the disease is already advanced and the main symptoms experienced by children with this condition are: pain in the back, hips or legs, persistent lameness, compression of the vertebral bodies and a decrease in height. At the same time, there are deformities of the spine.

Juvenile osteoporosis is a significant problem because it occurs during the first years of a child’s bone development.

Osteoporosis is a condition that is often asymptomatic. However, when signs and symptoms occur, they are:

  • pain (usually of the back or lower limbs);
  • deformities of the spine or anterior thorax;
  • decrease in height;
  • difficulty walking, limited mobility, chronic lameness;
  • the occurrence of fractures in low-intensity trauma.

At the same time, children may have various other signs and symptoms, depending on the primary or secondary cause of osteoporosis.


Treatment of Osteoporosis in children

Hospital treatment is rarely necessary and mainly refers to orthopedic treatment (of fractures, but also of any resulting deformities).

Home treatment includes hygienic-dietary measures and possibly drug treatment. Regardless of the cause of osteoporosis, hygienic dietary measures are essential: calcium and vitamin D, regular physical activity (depending on severity, possibly a recovery plan with targeted exercise), smoking cessation, reduction of caffeine consumption, and alcohol.

Activities that can easily lead to trauma and fractures (eg contact sports) should also be avoided. As a treatment, bisphosphonates may be given in severe cases.

A very important aspect of treatment for secondary osteoporosis is the treatment of the underlying cause (including replacement of the drug responsible for osteoporosis or at least dose reduction).


Coxarthrosis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Coxarthrosis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Coxarthrosis is considered to be one of the most serious diseases affecting the global population and not necessarily because of the pain it is accompanied by, but rather from the perspective of how it affects the patient’s quality of life.

The hip joint is one of the most sought after joints in the body. It consists of the femoral head and the acetabular cavity, and between the two there is a protective layer of cartilaginous tissue that has the role of helping the joint to move evenly and easily.

Over time, however, this tissue can deteriorate and lead to the onset of hip osteoarthritis.

Although this condition is found mainly in middle-aged and older patients, it should be noted that it can also occur at younger ages, under 40 years.

It is important to note that it can be cured in the early stages, but many patients ignore the symptoms and thus are forced to resort to surgery and other more invasive forms of treatment. That is why it is advisable to learn to recognize the symptoms, risk factors and causes that lead to the onset of coxarthrosis.



  1. Causes
  2. Symptoms
  3. Treatment
  4. Prevention



One of the most common causes of hip osteoarthritis is genetic predisposition. In most cases it is a certain pathology or previous circumstances (a familiar history of hip osteoarthritis, for example).

Other causes of hip osteoarthritis:

  • old age (usually over 60 years old, but, as I mentioned before, these hip pains can also occur at younger ages);
  • various traumas present at the level of the hip (these traumas generally appear as a result of activities that require the joint, such as sports activities);
  • congenital hip dislocation;
  • extra pounds (obesity increases mechanical stress on the hip);
  • gender of patients (men are less affected because their hips are narrower than women);
  • various diseases of the musculoskeletal system that can lead to joint disorders (diabetes, hyperthyroidism, Paget’s disease of the bones, etc.).



Pain is one of the most obvious signs of hip osteoarthritis. It should be noted, however, that this is not a constant pain, but a pain that appears and disappears when the person in question makes an effort.

Other symptoms of coxarthrosis:

  • registration of a certain stiffness at the level of the hip: there are hip pains that can hinder simple activities such as putting on shoes, bending down to pick up an object)
  • the appearance of limping: as the pressure on the hip increases, the tendency to limping can be observed;
  • an obvious decrease in mobility: the patient begins to notice that he can no longer stretch his leg back;
  • muscle atrophy: this consequence occurs mainly against the background of the weakening of the hip joints, which functions as a domino effect;
  • the ability to walk begins to be visibly impaired;
  • the installation of a feeling of fatigue, especially after the patient makes an effort to move or to undertake a certain activity that involves the hip joints;
  • weather-sensitivity: the patient begins to feel more pronounced joint pain when it is raining.


As mentioned above, these hip pains can be easily treated in the early stages of the disease, but patients most often go to the doctor in the advanced stages of the disease.

It is very important, therefore, that when you notice one or more of the above symptoms, you should consult a specialist.



Treatment for coxarthrosis begins with a treatment regimen designed to slow the progression of the condition.

If even after this drug treatment there is hip pain and the disability does not improve, then the doctor may also recommend surgery.

In principle, non-surgical treatment may include, in addition to the medication prescribed by the doctor, the observance of advice such as:

  • avoiding long-term efforts involving the hip joint;
  • following physiotherapy and physiotherapy procedures;
  • an adequate diet (especially in cases where the patient is overweight);
  • use a cane to reduce pressure on the hip;
  • periodic rest.


On the other hand, in the case of advanced hip osteoarthritis, the doctor may recommend a complete replacement of the joint (or prosthesis of the hip, as the procedure is also known).

Such an intervention will help the patient to visibly and considerably improve his quality of life.



In order to prevent the appearance of this disease, you can take some simple measures to counteract the favorable factors.

Thus, it is recommended to avoid carrying weights, to wear high-heeled shoes, to sit for a very long time on a chair, in low armchairs or standing.

It is also advisable to have a constant exercise program, avoid walking very long distances and always be careful to keep your weight within normal parameters.

How inappropriate shoes affect your spine

How inappropriate shoes affect your spine

The way you feel the shoes can influence the way you step or the position of the whole body and implicitly of the spine. There are many people who complain of back pain, without imagining that this problem is caused by something as simple as wearing shoes every day.

Without any intention of discrimination, we must recognize that most of the people who choose to wear inappropriate shoes for the sake of trends and fashion are the most women. The offer of footwear is diversified on both sides.

But if in the case of men, apart from preferences and lack of inspiration in choosing the right pair, the risks are much diminished, for women we can find an impressive list of negative aspects, which can bring a lot of suffering, both during a days, as well as long-term.

Choosing the wrong pair of shoes can have the following negative effects:

  • the discomfort of always swollen feet
  • can cause blisters and painful corns
  • the risk of having capillaries and broken blood vessels, even varicose veins
  • pain in the fingers, joints, heels, hips, spine
  • bone deformation, appearance and accentuation of mounts
  • may worsen the health of diabetics
  • promotes the appearance of fungal infections and dermatitis of the feet
  • can lead to deformity of the pelvic bones and a troubled birth
  • change gait
  • ensures instability and discomfort throughout the day of activity
  • contributes to the risk of injuries, sprains, dislocations, torn ligaments



  1. High-heeled shoes
  2. Very low heeled shoes
  3. How to choose shoes



High-heeled shoes

High-heeled shoes can be a problem for both women and men. Many women who wear high heels complain of foot pain with bone deformity at this level. Over time, the vicious position leads to pain in the spine.

It is true that heeled shoes give a special elegance to the foot, but over time, this can have repercussions on health.

In other words, it’s not worth following the famous saying that grandma suffers from beauty. Any heel over 5 cm leads to walking with an arched back and slightly bent knees.

This causes the quadriceps muscle to contract excessively due to unnatural gait. All these changes in the muscles and joints of the limbs will eventually affect the spine.


Very low heeled shoes

It is true that heels should be avoided as much as possible. This does not mean that you have to switch to shoes with very low soles.

At the moment it is a real adventure to find the right pair of shoes. Very thin-soled shoes do not provide the necessary support for the foot. In other words, every step will be a chore.

Through the thin sole you will feel every unevenness, so that the gait can change, together with the general posture and the position of the spine.

People who often wear shoes with very thin soles will eventually be affected, in the sense of pelvic and spine pain. They will also have serious problems with the knee joint.


How to choose shoes

Specialists in the field recommend footwear that does not adversely affect the tone and muscles of both the foot and the whole body. The foot is an elastic structure, and the vicious gait caused by poor quality shoes can later lead to deformities, both at this level and at the level of the spine.

There are shoes with orthopedic soles (outer and inner) that offer all the comfort you need, especially for very active people.

The measure should be chosen carefully, because a shoe that tightens can quickly lead to damage to the local vascularity, toe deformation and incorrect gait.

If you have difficulty choosing the right shoe and are already experiencing the devastating effects of uncomfortable footwear (back or leg pain, bone deformities), we recommend that you consider a visit to the podiatrist.

In time, wearing special shoes with the right size and curvature will help you get rid of the unpleasant back pain.


Whether we are talking about the height, the type of sole, the size or the material from which a pair of shoes is made, in choosing the most suitable variant we must take into account a few aspects:

  • product quality
  • to be the right size
  • personal design and model preferences
  • the type of activity you do
  • the place where you wear them
  • always feel comfortable.
Find out the easiest way to correct your back position

Find out the easiest way to correct your back position

In addition to the pain that the incorrect back position can triggers, you should know that the most serious problem is the damage to the spine that diminishes the quality of life.

If you keep your back arched during meals, at the office, when you read and even when you sleep, you most likely have this habit while walking and this not only causes you back pain every day, but also steals your height.

If you are among the employees who work only in an office, in front of a computer, then most likely you are hunched over frequently, sometimes and without realizing it. And this bad posture can lead to changes that can cause problems.

For example, the muscles in the upper back weaken because you use them less than you should (standing bent), and over time, signs of a hump may even appear – the spine bends and the shoulders pull toward the back. face of the torso. These changes can cause pain in the neck, middle and even arms and legs.



  1. How do we correct the back position?
  2. Other tips



How do we correct the back position?

The simplest and fastest way to correct your back posture is to use orthoses for your spine. These are external devices made of special materials that are applied to the back with the role of correcting where needed. The orthoses not only rest the affected segment but also support it and give it healing time.

Orthoses also help the body to prevent injuries or trauma to the spine, and for the correct choice of them it is important to take into account several aspects, such as the recommendation of a specialist, choosing an orthosis with adequate support for your problem and respect the duration. its ideal for effective healing.

Another way we can correct our back posture is to keep it straight throughout the day. And the sleeping position is important, sleep is very important for a general state of good health so try to sleep on one side with your knees bent and not on your stomach.

You can also use stretching and stretching, which are important for maintaining good back and neck health. Their flexibility helps maintain the health of the spine. Any movement time is important so in addition to stretching you can also practice aerobics. If you are overweight it is important to lose extra pounds, so it is important to be active.

Last but not least, get hydrated. Hydration is also important for maintaining the elasticity of soft tissues but also for maintaining the size of the intervertebral discs, because dehydration can cause them to change.


Other tips

To reinforce the positive effects of these exercises, you can also consider the following recommendations:

  • try to think more often about your posture and straighten every time you realize that you are sitting up
  • get up from the office a few times. during the work day and take a few steps around the area
  • when you go to the gym or exercise at home, make sure you also do leg, chest and back exercises (if you don’t exercise regularly you should start) .

The monitor should be placed at arm’s length in front of you, your forearms and arms should be at a 90-degree angle when you type, and your legs should be at a 90-degree angle when you sit in a chair.

Keep your shoulders back, your chest forward and your head as straight as possible.

5 back exercises

5 back exercises

Back exercises are essential for maintaining a healthy back and a straight spine. If you have no experience or are accustomed to sustained physical exertion, it is important to start with light exercise and a low number of repetitions.

Back pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal disorders, found in all countries and a common cause for which we go to the doctor.

Among the factors that favor their appearance are: sedentary lifestyle, office work (often in an incorrect posture), driving for a long time, forcing the back muscles by lifting weights, obesity, stress and even anxiety.

Pain can occur in any region of the back, but the most common back pain occurs in the lower back, as it supports the weight of the upper body.

Before any workout, no matter how light or strenuous it may be, it is mandatory to warm up. Warming up the muscles is not a fad, but a necessity.

It is the one that protects us from accidents and prepares our body to enter the state of training. The internet is full of warm-up videos, so you can’t say you don’t know what to do and how to do it.



  1. When to seek medical advice?
  2. Plank
  3. Bottom Bridge
  4. Lumbar Extension
  5. “Superman” Exercise
  6. “Cat” exercise




There are situations in which you need to see a doctor immediately, for example in case of acute pain (after trauma or falls), if the pain is persistent and does not improve after a while or when changing position, or if the pain causes numbness or tingling in the legs.



Is one of the best exercises, but also quite demanding. Facing the floor, lean on your forearms and toes and hold your position for 60 seconds.

The back should not be arched, the pelvis should not be too close to the ground, and the abdominal muscles should be stretched so that you can keep your hips in line with your shoulders. The body should form a straight line. As your muscular endurance increases, you will be able to do this exercise for a longer time.


Bottom Bridge

Lie on your back, then with your heels on the floor bend your knees and raise your hips as high as you can, while contracting your gluteal muscles.

Hold the position for 5 seconds and return to the floor, repeating this exercise 15-20 times.


Lumbar Extension

Lie on your face on the floor, then raise your arms and legs at the same time, arching your back. Perform 10 exercises like this, take a break, then a few more sets.


“Superman” Exercise

Sit on all fours with your palms pressed to the floor, then lift your right leg and left arm, supporting your other limbs. Hold the position for 5 seconds, then repeat the movement with the other arm and leg. Make 10 sets of this kind.


“Cat” exercise

This is one of the best exercises for the back muscles, especially for the lumbar muscles. Sit on your knees with your palms pressed to the floor, then slowly bend your back, while bending your head toward your chest.

Hold the position for 3-5 seconds and return to the starting position. Make 10 sets.


If the exercises described above seem too difficult, there are still some steps you can take to prevent back pain, such as: avoiding prolonged sitting in the chair, weight loss (obesity being a common cause of back pain), mandatory bending of the knees when lifting heavy weights and, last but not least, choosing a sleeping mattress that will not cause discomfort (ergonomic mattresses).

Make it a habit to perform these back exercises 3 times a week and you will notice that your back pain disappears and your muscles get stronger. Then maybe your will switch to workouts for the other muscle groups as well.

As you make sports a constant in your life, you will notice that your mood will be better and your body will be much more effective in fighting colds.

Lumbar diseases that require surgery

Lumbar diseases that require surgery

Depending on the diagnosis, lumbar surgery may be either the first treatment option, which happens in rare cases, or the alternative of choice in lumbar pain refractory to most medical treatments.

If you have constant pain or if the pain occurs frequently and interferes with sleep, work or other daily activities, then surgery may be needed in the spine.

Usually the results of lumbar surgery are more predictable in people with sciatic nerve damage, in those who suffer only from isolated low back pain, the effectiveness of the interventions is lower.



  1. Conditions that require surgical treatment
  2. Surgical procedures


1. Conditions that require surgical treatment

Disc herniation

This is a condition in which the outer shell of the intervertebral disc, made up of concentric rings of connective tissue, is damaged, allowing the inner part of the disc – which has a gelatinous consistency – to protrude outward, compressing the surrounding nerves.

This causes sciatic pain, which radiates along the lower limb. Disc herniation is often also called intervertebral disc rupture.


Spinal stenosis

It is characterized by narrowing of the bone canal through which the spinal cord and spinal nerves pass. Spinal stenosis is usually caused by excessive bone development due to osteoarthritis of the spine.

Compression of the nerves in the case of spinal stenosis leads to low back pain, paresthesia in the lower limbs and loss of bladder and / or intestinal control. These patients may have difficulty walking any distance and severe lower limb pain.



A condition in which a vertebra slips from its place in the spine. As a result of attempts to stabilize the spine, the joints between the vertebrae that have changed position and the adjacent vertebrae enlarge, leading to compression of the spinal nerves at their exit through the intervertebral holes.

Spondylolisthesis causes both low back and lower limb pain along the sciatic nerve.


Vertebral fractures

Fractures caused by vertebral trauma or caused by osteoporotic collapse of the vertebral bodies. Vertebral fractures lead to low back pain and lower limb pain – by compressing the roots of the spinal nerves.


2. Surgical procedures

Here are some of the most commonly used surgical procedures:

In case of disc herniation:

Laminectomy / discectomy: in this operation, the dorsal portion of the affected vertebra and a ligament portion are removed in order to extract the herniated disc, in order to decompress the spinal cord and the roots of the spinal nerves.

Microdiscectomy: As with discectomy, this procedure removes the herniated disc through an incision made in the back, with the amendment that the incision is much smaller and the doctor uses a special microscope to locate the herniated disc.

The fact that the incision is small decreases the size of the postoperative scar and the intensity of the post-intervention pain. It seems that the recovery period after the intervention is the same as in the case of classical discectomy.

Laser surgery: Technical advances in recent decades have made it possible to use lasers in herniated disc operations.

During these procedures, the surgeon inserts a needle into the disc and then releases a few laser pulses at that level to vaporize the tissue inside the disc. This reduces its volume and moves the pressure exerted by the disc on the surrounding nerves.

The decrease in pain intensity in the case of this intervention is not immediately noticed by the patient; Although it can return to daily activities after 3-5 days of surgery, the pain decreases in intensity only after a few weeks or months after surgery. There is currently some controversy in the medical world over the effectiveness of this type of intervention.


In the case of spinal stenosis:

Laminectomy: When the narrowing of the spinal canal compresses the roots of the spinal nerves with the appearance of pain or paresthesias, doctors resort to decompression of the spinal canal, resorting to a surgical procedure called laminectomy.

A wide incision is made, the purpose of which is to partially remove the ligaments and osteophytes that appeared as a result of osteoarthritis. The operation is laborious and requires hospitalization and physiotherapy sessions to regain the strength and mobility of the spine.


In the case of osteoporotic vertebral fractures:

Vertebroplasty: When low back pain is caused by a fracture caused by osteoporosis or trauma, doctors can make a small skin incision above the affected area, which injects a polymer called polymethacrylate into the fractured vertebra, which reduces pain and stabilizes the spine. The method is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia.

Kyphoplasty: Similar to vertebroplasty, kyphoplasty is used to reduce pain and stabilize the spine following osteoporotic fractures. Kyphoplasty is a two-step procedure. The doctor initially inserts a balloon-like device to restore the height and shape of the spine.

Subsequently, polymethacrylate is injected to repair the fractured vertebra. The procedure is under anesthesia and in some cases can be performed on an outpatient basis.



What is the link between back pain and constipation?

What is the link between back pain and constipation?

Low back pain and constipation may be symptoms of a single health condition or may indicate two unrelated conditions that occur at the same time.

Both symptoms are very common and rarely indicate a medical emergency when they occur on their own, unless they are severe and last for long periods of time.

However, if they are installed simultaneously, the person should consult a doctor as soon as possible for a medical check-up.



  1. Common causes
  2. Common causes of back pain
  3. Symptomatology management


Common causes

The most common examples of medical conditions that can cause constipation and back pain at the same time are:

  • Intestinal Obstruction

This can occur for several reasons, such as the formation of a collection of hard stools that no longer move or compression on the intestine due to various causes, for example a tumor mass, preventing the stool from moving forward;

  • Endometriosis

For people with endometriosis, the normal tissue of the uterus begins to develop elsewhere in the body. These include the fallopian tubes, ovaries, intestines, or bladder;

  • Fibromyalgia

People with fibromyalgia usually have an increased predisposition to generalized pain, sleep disturbances, fatigue and gastrointestinal symptoms;

  •  Inflammatory bowel disease 

Is a group of medical conditions, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. They have a great potential to cause inflammation in the intestine, resulting in diarrhea or constipation;

  • Liver problems

Certain liver conditions, such as cancer, cirrhosis or hepatitis, can cause symptoms that include abdominal pain, nausea, constipation, itching and edema.

However, there are rare cases in which inflammation of the liver will put pressure on the nerves in the back region, causing pain at this level;

  •  Pancreatic cancer 

Pancreatic cancer usually does not cause symptoms in its early stages. However, as the disease progresses, various symptoms may be felt, including itching, back pain, abdominal pain, and digestive disorders;

  • Peritonitis

Peritonitis occurs when the mucosa of the peritoneal cavity is affected by inflammation, infection or both. Symptoms may include constipation, fullness of the abdomen, fatigue and pain;

  • Urinary tract infections (UTIs)

Urinary tract infections can include the kidneys, bladder and ureters. In addition to digestive symptoms, urinary tract infections, especially those of the kidneys, can cause back pain.

Women may experience both symptoms at the same time during pregnancy, as high levels of hormones can cause constipation, and an increase in the volume of the uterus can put extra pressure on the lumbar region.

Aging can also cause an increased incidence of back pain and constipation. As a person gets older, the vertebrae of the spine are affected and no longer effectively absorb shocks, thus contributing to back pain. Aging also affects intestinal peristalsis, causing constipation.


Common causes of back pain

According to researchers, about 80% of adults suffer from low back pain at some point in their lives. Back pain is usually an acute condition that can be caused by overuse or injury. However, some people may suffer from chronic back pain, lasting more than 12 weeks.

Among the most common causes of low back pain are:

  • Disc herniation

The intervertebral discs that provide shock absorption at the level of the spine can come out, then pressing on the spinal nerves. This may be accompanied by pain and discomfort in the back;

  • Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis causes a reduction in bone density, which significantly increases the risk of fractures, including the vertebrae;

  • Scoliosis and other deformities of the spine

Changes in the curves of the spine may be accompanied by low back pain;

  • Spinal stenosis

Is a condition that occurs when the spinal canal narrows. The causes are usually injuries or the natural aging process. This narrowing can cause extra pressure on the spinal cord and spinal nerves, leading to pain and loss of sensitivity;

  • Spinal tumors

Spinal tumors compress the spinal nerves, leading to pain and discomfort. However, this effect occurs quite rarely;

  • Radiculopathy

It’s occurs when a nerve becomes compressed or inflamed. The most common associated symptoms are pain, tingling, and numbness in one or both sides of the body. Sciatica is a form of radiculopathy, compressing the sciatic muscle.


Symptomatology management

It is recommended that a visit to the doctor be performed as soon as constipation is associated with back pain. Also, a visit to the doctor should be performed if the low back pain is unexplained and constipation is common.

After thorough check-ups, your doctor will recommend appropriate treatments for the condition that is causing the unpleasant symptoms.

Back pain when standing

Back pain when standing

Some patients experience back pain after a long time standing. The pressure put on the back muscles, but also on the structures of the spine, is the one that most frequently causes the middle pain.

When we stand for many hours or walk for a long time, the pressure on the lumbar area is increased. Therefore, the back muscles are tense and thus spasms and pain appear.



  1. Causes
  2. Treatment of low back pain caused by standing
  3. Exercise that can prevent low back pain due to standing for longer periods



Low back pain that occurs as a result of standing is generally caused by the following conditions:

  • Muscle tension
  • Ligament stretch
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Herniated disc
  • Other degenerative diseases of the spine


Treatment of low back pain caused by standing

In general, the pain goes away on its own after the person rests sitting on a chair or lying in bed for several tens of minutes. If back pain does not go away after rest, a number of remedies can be used, as well as drug treatment.

If you are also dealing with low back pain caused by standing for long periods of time, here is what you can do to improve it:

  • Do some stretching exercises – stretch your lower back muscles to relax the area. Sit in a chair, then stand up slightly and stretch your arms as high as possible so that you lengthen your spine. If you repeat this exercise a few times, you will notice that the pain will improve.


  • Cold / warm compresses – immediately after the pain starts, apply a cold compress on the lumbar area and let it work for about 20 minutes. Repeat the operation whenever you feel the need. Ice will stop the inflammatory process and also relieve pain. After 2 days, if the pain has not gone away, apply warm compresses to stimulate circulation in the area.


  • Massage – whether we are talking about professional massage or amateur massage, the effects of massage in relieving low back pain cannot be disputed. By massaging the back, the blood circulation is stimulated and at the same time the muscles are relaxed, so that the pain is relieved. An anti-inflammatory ointment can also be used to enhance the effects of the massage.


  • Drug treatment – muscle relaxants, anti-inflammatory ointments, and oral anti-inflammatory drugs constitute the drug treatment aimed at relieving pain..


Exercise that can prevent low back pain due to standing for longer periods

Strengthening the back muscles through exercise reduces the risk of low back pain caused by increased standing pressure. Here are some exercises that strengthen the lumbar region:

  • Lifting on the toes – get on the toes, then lower your body weight on your heels and lift your toes up. Repeat this exercise several times. This method transfers all the weight from the toes to the heels and vice versa, thereby relaxing the lumbar area.
  • Pushing your abdomen forward – put your hands on your hips, then push your abdomen forward as far as you can. Immediately afterwards, move in the opposite direction, that is, pull your abdomen inwards. This exercise strengthens the muscles in the lumbar area, but also the abdominal ones.

Make it a habit to practice these exercises daily, either in the morning or in the evening. In this way, you will strengthen your back muscles and reduce lower back pain.

If you have occasional back pain, after many hours of standing, there is no need to worry. But if these pains do not improve in a few days or if they appear very often, it is necessary to go to the doctor because it is possible that it is a more serious condition.

10 myths about back pain

10 myths about back pain

Numerous myths about back pain are not helpful in managing this common and persistent problem, which often involves complex treatments with various risks and complications.

Preconceived notions about the causes, diagnosis and treatment can be aggravating factors in the continuity of symptoms, as complete and correct information helps to treat back pain more easily.

Medical statistics show that 8 out of 10 people will experience back pain at some point in their lives. In the US, this medical problem is:

  • The main cause of disabilities of people over 45 years;
  • The second frequent reason to visit the general practitioner;
  • The third common cause of surgical procedures;
  • The fifth common cause of hospitalization;

Therefore, most people end up experiencing annoying back pain at some point in their lives. The way they are kept under control can be affected by the many myths passed down from generation to generation about this widespread medical problem. Some of the most important myths are below.



  1. Chronic back pain is treated with surgery
  2. Severe back pain can lead to paralysis
  3. Back pain worsens with age
  4. Active people are not at risk of developing chronic back pain
  5. Traditional medicine does not recommend acupuncture to treat back pain
  6. Rest helps relieve back pain
  7. The chiropractor can permanently treat the back pain
  8. Eliminating excess weight prevents back pain
  9. People with chronic back pain need narcotics
  10. Chronic back pain is treated by surgery



1. Chronic back pain is treated with surgery

In most cases, chronic back pain is treated with other non-invasive therapies, including minor lifestyle changes. Only in very severe cases, which cannot be managed by medication, are surgical interventions taken into account.


2. Severe back pain can lead to paralysis

The spine ends in the lumbar region of the body, where there are nerve roots with a robust structure. In most cases, the appearance of back pain does not indicate a medical problem that can lead to paralysis.

Examples of rare cases where paralysis is a real risk in the presence of low back pain are spinal tumors, spinal infections or unstable spinal fractures.


3. Back pain worsens with age

On the contrary, medical statistics say. The incidence of back pain is usually higher between 35 and 55. After this age, the pain tends to be less severe.


4. Active people are not at risk of developing chronic back pain

While it is true that active people have a lower predisposition to back pain, this problem can occur regardless of the level of physical activity. Some sports increase susceptibility to lumbar discomfort, such as volleyball, golf, or gymnastics.


5. Traditional medicine does not recommend acupuncture to treat back pain

More recently, the American Pain Society and the American College of Physicians have unanimously recommended the use of acupuncture to treat chronic back pain.

Traditional medicine has embraced this complementary treatment, particularly following field studies demonstrating its potential to be even more effective than conventional treatments for this medical condition.


6. Rest helps relieve back pain

Doctors once recommended that people with chronic back pain (lasting at least 6 weeks) get more rest. Currently, experts have found that prolonged rest (over 1-2 days) rarely helps to relieve symptoms. Recent studies have found that bed rest can even aggravate back pain, while exercise can have the opposite effect.

In most cases, stretching exercises, swimming or walking contribute to the removal of discomfort and a better physiological condition.


7. The chiropractor can permanently treat the back pain

Chiropractic massage can temporarily relieve back pain by stimulating endorphins that alleviate discomfort, but its effects are not valid in the long run. Since 96% -99% of back pain goes away on its own in a few days, a visit to a chiropractor is not a must for everyone.

Research into the benefits of chiropractic massage has found that this type of therapy offers a slight improvement in fitness, but is recommended only after other methods of pain relief have failed or failed after a few days of treatment.


8. Eliminating excess weight prevents back pain

This is one of the most common myths. People who are overweight may have a higher risk of developing back pain, but there are also many patients with this condition who are normal and even underweight.

Back pain occurs in women and men alike, usually between the ages of 30 and 50. Among the factors that predispose to this problem are aging, trauma, sedentary lifestyle, incorrect body posture, poor sleeping position, smoking and stress.

Being overweight is just one of the risk factors that contribute to back pain.


9. People with chronic back pain need narcotics

This is one of the myths completely false, experts say. As a rule, anti-inflammatory drugs and those with a relaxing effect on the muscles give the best results in the prophylaxis of back pain. Narcotics, although they have a stronger analgesic effect, can aggressively stimulate pain receptors in the brain.

Eventually, the patient becomes tempted to increase the dose due to the increased discomfort, entering a vicious circle. For this reason, narcotics are not a good option for controlling back pain.


10. Chronic back pain is treated by surgery

Most cases of chronic back pain receive treatment through non-invasive therapies, often involving minor lifestyle changes. Surgical interventions are only considered in very severe cases that cannot be managed by medication.