Coccyx pain: causes and treatment

Coccyx pain: causes and treatment

Coccyx pain can be caused by an inflammation located in the coccyx, which is usually associated with local pain and tenderness around the terminal bone portion of the spine called the coccyx, between the buttocks, above the anus. The pain is often exacerbated when an individual is sitting.
Knot pains have their organic headquarters in the coccyx, which is the last segment of the spine.

Due to the terminal and superficial position occupied by it in the structure of the posterior pelvic wall, most of the symptoms are caused by trauma by direct mechanism: falling on the coccyx, kicking in this region or by repeated micro-traumas as in the case of drivers or professionals involves sitting for a long time.


  1. Causes of coccyx pain
  2. Treatment of coccyx pain


Causes of coccyx pain

  • Disease of the spine affecting the coccyx
  • Diseases of the nerves and muscles of the pelvic floor
  • Pathological processes in the bones of the pelvis
  • Direct or sigmoid diseases (hemorrhoids, proctitis, rectal fissures)
  • Perineum omission (for example, due to a difficult birth)
  • Perineal trauma during childbirth (hemorrhage in the subcutaneous adipose tissue around the coccyx)
  • Intestinal damage, which leads to diarrhea or constipation and therefore the habit of sitting in the toilet for a long time
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system
  • Coccyx cyst
  • The habit of constantly sitting on a chair
  • Emotional shock, stress or shock
  • Tight clothing (jeans), which puts pressure on the coccyx

Usually, pain in the coccyx occurs immediately after injury.

But in some cases, the pain may be mild and pass quickly, but after a few years, it suddenly reappears, with severe pain or burning sensation in the area.

The cause of the pain is usually due to sedentary lifestyle or prolonged sitting.


Treatment of coccyx pain

The strongest analgesics are recommended, reaching the administration of Morphine. Sometimes even under this treatment the symptoms do not subside.

The patient’s life is extremely affected, the quality of sleep is low. Radiation therapy is a method that can relieve coccyx pain. It is used in patients with advanced disease. In the long run, however, this method can decrease the body’s resistance and new cancers can appear in the irradiated area.

A healthy lifestyle can prevent many of the common ailments these days. Prevention is the most effective way to fight a disease.

When this type of pain was caused by a crack in osteoporosis, it is absolutely necessary to treat this disease.

First of all, a diet will be followed.

Smoking and alcohol consumption are prohibited, body weight is reduced and sports are recommended as much as possible.

Calcium and vitamin D should be given to women who have reached menopause and are experiencing these pains.

If the pain is from a tumor, it is essential to detect the type of cancer and, depending on the stage of the disease, appropriate treatment will be recommended.

Causes of back pain at night

Causes of back pain at night

Causes of back pain at night leads to a special type of lower back pain that could indicate a serious problem with the spine.

In the U.S., up to 80% of the population has some form of back pain at some point in their lives. It is the second most common reason why people see their doctor. But as debilitating as back pain can be, most cases of it are manageable, and people receiving physical therapy often see improvement within a few weeks.

With back pain at night, however, people cannot get the rest they need because they cannot get rid of their pain.


  1. What is back pain at night
  2. Causes of back pain at night
  3. Why back pain occurs at night


What is back pain at night?

Most people who suffer from back pain are able to adapt to the way they sleep to get relief from the pain they feel during the day. But with back pain at night, the pain doesn’t stop when a person goes to bed, no matter what adjustments they make. For some, the pain actually gets worse. And for others, the pain doesn’t start until they go to bed.

A person can go through a day with virtually no pain. But then at night, he or she may find it almost impossible to get a good night’s sleep.


Causes of back pain at night

  • Sleeping on a hard or soft mattress
  • Wear high-heeled shoes
  • Standing or sitting for a long time
  • Ankylosing spondylitis
  • Spinal cord tumor
  • Kidney stones
  • Pregnancy


Why back pain occurs at night?

Sleep on a hard or soft mattress
If you wake up during the night with back pain, the mattress you are sleeping on may be too hard or too soft. The body forms an abnormal angle and the relaxation of tense muscles is prevented, which increases the pain. Instead, a good mattress helps the spinal cord to be in the correct position while you rest.

You’re sleeping in the wrong position
Causes of back pain include sleeping in the wrong position. When you sleep and sit in the wrong position, your spine suffers.

  • If you are used to sleeping on your back, place a pillow under your knees to maintain your back curve and support your spine. The natural curve of the neck and the alignment of the shoulders, neck and head must be supported by the pillow under the head.
  • If you sleep on your stomach, your spine can be better supported if you put a pillow in your abdomen. Avoid holding your head on the pillow when sleeping in this position.
  • If you sleep on your sides, put a pillow between your legs so that your upper leg does not affect your spine. In this way, the pressure on the column is reduced.


Spinal cord tumor
Back pain is a symptom present in 90% of patients with spinal tumors, which can affect any of the structures of the spine. These pains may become more pronounced after you go to bed to fall asleep. In addition, the pain gets worse when you do physical activity.

Kidney stones
Kidney stones are heavy deposits of calcium, minerals and acid salts formed in the urine, they are concentrated in the urinary tract. Pain usually occurs during the night or early morning, possibly due to low urine output.

Yoga posture that reduce back pain

Yoga posture that reduce back pain

Practicing yoga posture that reduce back pain can help you feel better. You can do this yoga postures at home or anywhere you want.

If you suffer from chronic low back pain, yoga may relieve your pain as much as physical therapy, according to a new clinical study.

Low back pain, especially those caused by muscle tension or stretching or an incorrect posture of the spine, can be combated with the help of yoga practice.


  1. Child pose
  2. Sphinx pose
  3. Cobra pose
  4. Cat pose
  5. Triangle pose
  6. Pigeon pose
  7. Downward dog pose 
  8. Knees to chest
  9. Forward flexion
  10. Gentle twisting of the spine


Child pose

When low back pain does not give you peace in any form, nestle in this extremely relaxing asana. Your back will lengthen from vertebra to vertebra, and the pressure in the lumbar area will be eliminated.

Breathe for five, ten or even more minutes. Listen to your body, allow it to adjust its position on its own and take a deep breath. With each inspiration, you will feel a pleasant stretch, and on expiration you will feel a deeper and deeper relaxation.


Sphinx pose

This yoga pose that reduce back pain is wonderful for facilitating a correct posture of the lumbar area and for training the muscles responsible for the healthy position of the back.

Lie on your stomach, bring your palms on the mattress, next to your head, and keep your forearms on the floor. Push into your arms, tense your body and gently lift your chest off the mattress, keeping your head in the extension of the spine. Keep the abdomen active and do not exaggerate the movement of the back.


Cobra pose

Cobra pose helps to open the rib cage, stretch the abdominal muscles and relax the muscle tissue in the upper and lower back.

Start by lying on the floor, palms facing down, positioned at the ribs. As you bring your feet together and find a point of support at your fingertips, lift your torso with your palms (stretch your arms well) and orient your head on your back. Try to use the force of your back, not your hands, to lift your chest off the ground.

Maintain this posture for 5-10 breaths and repeat the cobra position as many times as necessary to get rid of the discomfort.


Cat pose

Cat pose is normally used to warm up the body before advanced yoga sessions. At the same time, this posture can help you get rid of unpleasant sensations in the upper and lower back, by relaxing the muscles.

Start by sitting on your knees and palms, feet apart at a comfortable distance. Gently lift your head and bend your spine so that your back is at a higher level (your back should be as arched as possible).

Hold the posture for a few seconds, then arch your spine in the opposite direction, orienting your head and shoulders down. When moving from one arch to the other of your back, you help your spine to sit in a neutral position, which intensely relaxes the muscles and releases tension.


Triangle pose

This yoga pose works in the direction of correcting body posture, straightening the back and stretching the muscles in the sides of the torso.

Start by standing with your lower limbs close together. Position your left leg a few inches back so that you have a 45-degree angle between your thighs. Lean sideways, with the right hand facing the right leg and the left hand flexed in the air.

The arms should be in a straight line, perpendicular to the right leg. Do not force your muscles to touch the floor with your right palm, the purpose of this position is to release the muscle fibers of the torso.

Make sure your back stays perfectly straight during exercise. Hold the position for 5-10 reps, then repeat the movement on the other side of the torso. Repeat as often as necessary.


Pigeon pose

Pigeon pose may be perceived as difficult by beginners, but it helps to relieve back pain indirectly and effectively relax the hip muscles eliminates the discomfort felt in the lumbar area.

Sit with your legs crossed and your palms pressed to the ground. While keeping your left leg bent, try to stretch your right leg back until it is (almost) perpendicular to your left leg. Hold the position for 5-10 breaths, then change sides and perform as many repetitions as you want.


Downward dog pose 

This pose will help you stretch not only your spine, but the entire back chain. Sometimes the pain is not caused by a back problem. If the legs and hips are tense, the spine may be forced into an unnatural position. The dog’s pose will stretch these muscles to relieve your back pain.


Knees to chest

Lie on your back and pull both knees to your chest, holding them close with your arms, as in the picture. Relax the edges and sit with your back straight. Swing from side to side to increase the feeling of relaxation. It is an effective exercise for both back pain and gastrointestinal discomfort.


Forward flexion

Sit on a yoga mat with your legs hip-width apart.
Bend your knees so that your torso is bent over your legs and continue to bend until your thighs touch your abdomen.
You need to clench your fists and place each fist separately in the curvature of the opposite elbow.
Relax your back, neck and head and clench your fists.
To relieve back pain, perform this movement 10-20 times, inhaling and exhaling deeply.


Gentle twisting of the spine

This yoga posture that reduce back pain is so simple that it can be done in bed, in the morning or before bed. You need to gently twist your back, stretching your spine and helping the lumbar area to relax.
Sit on your back, bend your left knee and bring it to the opposite side. Stay with both shoulders on the ground and orient your head to the left, relaxing your neck.

Cervical pain: causes and prevention

Cervical pain: causes and prevention

Cervical pain is pain in the neck area that does not radiate to other areas of the body such as the shoulders or arms. This pain is not a serious health problem, but it can cause major discomfort so it should be treated properly.

Cervical pain, or neck pain, is the third most common pain, after headache and low back pain.


  1. What is neck pain
  2. Causes of cervical pain
  3. Treatment of cervical pain
  4. How to prevent neck pain


What is neck pain?

Do you know that “stiff neck” feeling, sometimes accompanied by headaches, dizziness or nausea? You certainly know it, because it is the most common type of pain, after headaches and low back pain.

Well, that feeling you sometimes feel is actually acute or chronic neck pain and can seriously affect your quality of life.


Causes of cervical pain

The causes of neck pain are numerous, from mechanical overloads to infections / meningitis and vertebral tumors. But the most common are:

1. Damage to non-neural structures (overload pain);
2. Nerve compression (root pain);
3. Joint degeneration.


1. Overwork pain is the most common type of pain of all (85% of cases) and can develop in the context of:

  • repetitive physical overload;
  • prolonged vicious positions: keeping the head and neck bent forward, sideways or posteriorly for a long time, due to reading, watching TV or working at the computer;
  • adopting an incorrect resting position during the night, in particular a very soft bed or an improper pillow, which induce awkward positions of the spine;
  • mental tension, followed by the accumulation of muscle tension in the neck area;
  • intense physical exertion through activities that require keeping the hands above the head, such as painting or
  • lifting weights above the head.

Most often, the pain can disrupt sleep and may be accompanied by dizziness, headache or nausea. At other times, it may radiate to the shoulders, shoulder blades or occipitals.

The most common is in people who work in the office without a armrest or in which the keyboard they use is placed incorrectly. In general, it occurs frequently in people who demand a lot of arms and shoulders.

2. Root pain occurs due to mechanical or biochemical injury to the nerve roots of the nerves.

The most common cause is a herniated disc, followed by cervical spondylosis. Disc herniation is manifested by intense neck pain followed by brutal irradiation of pain along an upper limb, which may be accompanied by some degree of muscle weakness and tingling in the hands.

In the case of cervical spondylosis, the onset of pain usually occurs progressively, requiring further investigation to differentiate them.

3. Pain of joint origin

Because they are frequently strained and subjected to repeated microtrauma or even severe trauma, intervertebral joints can also be the cause of chronic neck pain. In general, in the case of this type of pain, the maximum painful area can be located precisely near the cervical joints.

Regardless of the way the pain appears, of the triggering factors and of its appearance and severity, it is necessary to present it to the doctor, in order to identify its origin and to make the differential diagnosis with other causes of infectious, tumor, etc. nature.


Treatment of cervical pain

After the specialist establishes the cause of the pain, the initial objective is to reduce it, by:

  • use of analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants:
  • massage, thermo-cryotherapy procedures;
  •  analgesic electrotherapy, TENS type, laser therapy;
  • TECAR therapy brings important benefits in neck pain. It contributes through vasodilation to the reduction of pain, muscle relaxation, activation of local self-healing processes. It has the advantage of being used in parallel with mechanical stimulation through massage or exercise.

Wearing a soft cervical collar to stabilize the neck can be beneficial in the first 72 hours of acute neck pain. In the case of root pain, it is necessary to avoid all daily activities that aggravate the pain.

Persistence and worsening of motor deficit is a surgical indication.

Cortisone infiltrations may be helpful in relieving symptoms of arthritic neck pain.

After the acute pain has been removed, treatment should be continued with physical therapy to:

  • softening of the paravertebral muscles;
  • stabilization of the cervical spine, by training the muscles of the neck and neck;
  • improving balance, proprioception;
  • correcting vicious positions;
  • increased mobility of the cervical spine.


How to prevent neck pain
1. Avoid exposure to cold and moisture.
2. Maintaining control, awareness of the posture of the cervical spine and correcting it, regardless of position;
3. Observance of the correct postures of the cervical spine during sleep;
4. Avoid using high pillows; use the orthopedic pillow or the simple roller, placed in the groove between the cervical spine and the occiput;
5. Avoid lifting weights greater than 4-5 kg ​​in one hand; it is necessary to distribute the weights equally in both hands;

Back pain during pregnancy: causes, treatment

Back pain during pregnancy: causes, treatment

It seems that between 24 and 90% of women experience pelvic pain or back pain during pregnancy. Many women say that this pain goes away when the baby is born. However, in more than a third of women the pain persists even after one year of birth.

Most back pain is related to physical changes that occur during pregnancy, including changes in hormones, changes in center of gravity and posture. Unfortunately, it usually gets worse as the pregnancy progresses.


  1. Causes of back pain during pregnancy
  2. Treatment of back pain during pregnancy
  3. Other tips for expectant mothers


Causes of back pain during pregnancy

Pain usually occurs where the pelvis meets the spine, at the sacroiliac joint, the most common causes being:

Postural changes: Even if before becoming pregnant you benefited from a very good posture of the body during pregnancy, the body undergoes all kinds of changes. As the pregnancy progresses and the baby grows, the center of gravity moves forward, resulting in increased lumbar curvature (lumbar lordosis). This causes back pain during pregnancy. At the same time, breast augmentation causes the shoulders to pull forward, thus changing the way you maintain your head position.

Muscle separation: As the uterus expands, the abdominal muscles that stretch from the rib cage to the pubic bone can separate, which makes the pain worse.

Hormonal changes: To maintain pregnancy and to feed your baby. These hormones are released with the release of the embryo into the uterus. The main hormones released during pregnancy are estrogen and progesterone (their levels during pregnancy increase about 100 times compared to normal levels, they recover after birth. Another hormone released during pregnancy is relaxing. Its effect is to relaxes the body, acts on the ligaments – the connective tissue between the bones, and the pelvis weakens and increases its volume preparing the moment of birth. An essential role is the increased amount of endorphins, they are responsible for shine during pregnancy, especially after the first trimester. pregnancy (after the first 3 months).

Stress: Increased fatigue, insomnia, various pains, and other physical discomforts caused by pregnancy cause tension in the back muscles, which is felt as pain or spasms, especially during more difficult periods of pregnancy.

Extra pounds: During a normal pregnancy, the pregnant woman gains between 12 and 18 pounds, which puts extra effort on the spine. To this we add the weight of the fetus and uterus which also puts pressure on the blood vessels and nerves in the pelvis and back.


Treatment of back pain during pregnancy

In the meantime, you can relieve low back pain like this:

  • Practicing moderate intensity exercises to strengthen the muscles and increase the flexibility of the spine
  • Hot / cold compresses for pain relief
  • Improving posture (avoiding hunchbacks)
  • Massage
  • Acupuncture
  • Wearing very comfortable shoes, in no case with heels
  • Bed rest, maybe even lifting your legs against the wall to relax the lumbar area


Other tips for expectant mothers

  • Try to gently massage your back.
  • Use pregnancy pillows or two pillows, one between the knees and one under the belly.
  • Avoid wearing high-heeled shoes, you can try shoes with orthopedic soles.
  • If you are sitting on a chair, try to support your posture with a small pillow, placed between the back of the chair and the lower back.
Children's back pain

Children’s back pain: causes, symptoms, treatment

While back pain is very common among adults, it is much less common in children. Therefore, any acute or chronic children’s back pain is taken much more seriously by the pediatrician.

Low back pain is most common for children, being the main reason for presenting to the doctor. Statistically, 20-36% of school-age children have episodes of low back pain.

Back pain at older children and adolescents is often “nonspecific back pain.”

At young children, the likelihood of them exaggerating the symptoms is very low, forcing the doctor to identify a possible “organic cause” that could be the source of back pain. However, it is important that all children with back pain to receive careful examination to avoid delaying the diagnosis of serious conditions.


  1. Causes of children’s back pain 
  2. Symptoms of children’s back pain
  3. Treatment of children’s back pain


Causes of children’s back pain 

Organic causes commonly associated with back pain include:

  • Disc herniation
  • Spondylolisthesis and spondylolysis
  • Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
  • Infectious spondylitis (discitis, vertebral tuberculosis)
  • Scheuermann’s kyphosis and severe kyphoscoliosis
  • Idiopathic juvenile osteoporosis
  • Tumor vertebrae (osteoid osteoma, osteoblastoma, eosinophilic granuloma, aneurysmal bone cyst, Ewing’s sarcoma, osteogenic osteosarcoma)
  • Intramedullary tumors (astrocytoma and ependymoma)
  • Acute lymphocytic leukemia
  • Spinal metastases in the thoracic spine frequently from a neuroblastoma or a Wilms tumor


Symptoms of children’s back pain

In most cases, the signs and symptoms go away on their own in a short period of time. If any of the following signs or symptoms are accompanied by back pain, you should see your doctor:

  • Weight loss
  • Rising body temperature (fever)
  • Inflammation (swelling) on the back
  • Legs pain
  • Pain that reaches below the knee
  • A recent injury, blow or trauma to the back
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Difficulty urinating
  • Fecal incontinence – you lose control of your gut
  • Numbness around the genitals
  • Numbness around the anus
  • Numbness around the buttocks


 Treatment of children’s back pain

Treatment for back pain generally depends on whether the pain is acute or chronic. Surgery is recommended only if there are organic causes of back pain, or nerve damage or changes in the bone structure of the vertebrae.

Remedies for relieving mild or short-term back pain

Muscle pain is a relatively common cause of back pain in a teenage athlete. Treatment includes discontinuation of physical activity, initially the application of ice and later local heat and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nurofen or naproxen), which reduce inflammation, allowing better mobility of the spine.

Paracetamol (acetaminophen) is also a drug commonly used to reduce and treat back pain. These can be combined with codeine (opiate analgesic) and muscle relaxants, muscle relaxants that relax the muscles.

Topically applied gels or sprays that locally create the sensation of heat or cold can also relieve pain.
Muscle pain usually improves quickly in a few weeks. If the pain persists, an X-ray will be taken to rule out other potential causes, such as spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis.

In acute spondylolysis (pars interarticularis fracture), orthotic treatment with a thoracolombosacral orthosis can alleviate symptoms and help heal the fracture. Surgery is indicated only if the pain persists and does not improve after conservative treatment.

In spondylolisthesis, depending on the degree of slipping of the L5 vertebra in relation to the S1 vertebra, orthotic treatment or surgical treatment is indicated.

In disc herniation, most patients can be initially treated conservatively with restriction of physical activity, oral administration of anti-inflammatory drugs and corticosteroids, and physical therapy. Prolonged conservative treatment of a herniated disc may be associated with persistent pain, and if the adolescent or child does not respond to this therapeutic approach, pain relief can only be achieved by surgical removal of the disc (discectomy).

Back pain in Scheuermann’s kyphosis is usually located at the apex of the kyphosis and is usually aggravated by physical activity, prolonged standing or sitting. Often, the pain is not severe and is not associated with neurological signs.

Most patients are treated by medical gymnastics with spine extension exercises to tone the back extensors mm associated with correcting spinal deformity with a corset. Severe kyphotic deformities greater than 70º, accompanied by persistent pain are an indication for surgical treatment.


Symptoms of Back Pain

The most common symptoms of back pain are: the ache or pain anywhere in the back, inflammation or swelling of the back, pain down the legs.


  1. Back pain in the cervical area
  2. Back pain in the chest area
  3. Back pain in the lower back
  4. Back pain in the coccyx area


Back pain in the cervical area
It manifests itself in the form of discomfort or dull or sharp pain in the area between the base of the skull and the upper part of the shoulders and can spread to the upper back or arms. Mobility in the head and neck can be affected and headaches can occur.

If the pain is caused by compression of the spinal nerve roots, it may be accompanied by other symptoms (numbness, weakness in the arm or hand, tingling, burning sensation in the arm or hand, numbness or weakness in the legs).

The doctor should be consulted if the neck pain occurred as a result of an accident or if it is accompanied by numbness in the arm, heaviness in breathing, stiffness in the neck. Also, any strong and persistent neck pain should be evaluated by a specialist.


Back pain in the chest area

Pain located in the middle of the back is manifested locally in the spine or in the area innervated by the irritated thoracic nerve, and may be accompanied by other symptoms (eg, numbness and tingling in the case of nerve compression).

In case of association with symptoms such as loss of urinary control or a feeling of weakness in the legs, a visit to the doctor is mandatory.


Back pain in the lower back

It can be felt as a sharp pain in the lower back, which is aggravated by standing. Although it is perceived as a fairly strong pain immediately after waking up, it seems to lose intensity during the day or when changing position. It may be accompanied by tingling and numbness in the legs.

In case of association with symptoms such as loss of urinary control, severe abdominal pain or fever and chills, medical help is needed.


Back pain in the coccyx area

It can be a dull pain, but in certain positions it becomes sharp. It manifests itself in a sitting position, when standing up, during prolonged standing, during bouts of coughing, during defecation or during sexual intercourse.

If it is accompanied by gait disorders, a visit to the doctor is necessary.


Fibromyalgia: causes, symptoms, treatment

Fibromyalgia is not a disease or condition, but a syndrome of chronic pain manifested in the muscles and soft tissues. Discovered in 1980, researchers did not initially classify fibromyalgia as inflammatory or rheumatic in nature, although it was considered a rheumatic condition based on untreated mental problems.

Fibromyalgia is a disorder that features musculoskeletal pain spread throughout the body, accompanied by fatigue, sleep disorders, memory, and mood issues. Researchers believe that in the case of those suffering from fibromyalgia, painful sensations are amplified in the brain and spinal cord.



  1. Causes
  2. Symptoms
  3. Treatment


What are the causes?

It is believed that one cause is increased sensitivity and low level of pain tolerance of nerve cells in the spinal cord and brain due to possible chemical changes. On the other hand, it is believed that fibromyalgia can be caused by the imbalance of some hormones, such as cortisol, growth hormone, because their insufficiency causes exhaustion, but also low tolerance to pain.

The definite causes of fibromyalgia are not fully known, but most doctors believe that repeated nerve stimulation alters the way the brain perceives pain. This irreversible change causes an abnormal increase in the levels of certain chemicals in the brain and in the spinal cord, which generates the sensation of pain. Additionally, pain receptors, present throughout the organs, skin, muscles, and joints, seem to develop what doctors refer to as “pain memory,” becoming extremely sensitive and overreacting to both painful and painless signals.


What are the symptoms?

The most important symptom is certainly the pain experienced in muscles, tendons, and ligaments. But, in addition, a combination of other signs indicates the presence of fibromyalgia. Headaches, exhaustion from insomnia or poor sleep, anxiety, irritable bowel syndrome, and memory issues may indicate fibromyalgia. The manifestations are different from one person to another. In rare cases, fibromyalgia may be accompanied by Raynaud’s syndrome, tingling, numbness, flu-like symptoms, itching, or bowel issues. Also, the morning stiffness of the joints that does not last more than an hour is a characteristic sign of this syndrome.

Another common symptom of fibromyalgia is the presence of sensitive spots in certain locations on the body. When applied to holy individuals, they will only feel pressure. In the case of those suffering from fibromyalgia, they will feel pain.

What are the symptoms

What is the treatment?

Fibromyalgia is difficult to treat, but medications, therapy, and lifestyle adjustment can help control symptoms and improve quality of life.

Treatment focuses on minimizing symptoms and improving overall health. A single treatment does not address all symptoms, and healthcare providers tailor the treatment schedule to each patient.

You use common analgesics that do not require a prescription. People in the upper classes should avoid them, as they may produce severe side effects and lead to addiction. Research has proven that they worsen the pain over time. Antidepressants are helpful and can help relieve the pain and fatigue associated with fibromyalgia. In addition, they relax and have benefits in regulating sleep. Medications used to treat epilepsy, often prove helpful in reducing certain painful manifestations associated with fibromyalgia.

Unfortunately, when diagnosed and experiencing chronic pain and fatigue, many people with fibromyalgia may also develop major depression. It also investigates the presence of abnormalities in brain chemistry, which can lead to depression or increased sensitivity to pain.
Positive thinking, meditation, and prayer studied by Dr. Andrew Newberg have healing effects on body processes and consciousness. In case of pain, you can use painkillers and antidepressants for fatigue.


10 quick home remedies for Back Pain

After many hours of sitting at the office without breaks, you may feel tension and back pain. These are quite common among adults and can occur at any age. The good part is that you can find solutions to improve and prevent them, so that you feel fit every day. We will show you 10 quick home remedies for back pain.

Often, back pain is not serious and is simply caused by incorrect posture every day, when we sit at the office, when we do sports or other activities.

Often, back pain is caused by exertion, overload or injury, which results in muscle spasms, muscle and ligament strains or even fractures.
Many people who suffer from back pain often ask themselves “How to get rid of back pain?”.



  1. Take a warm bath
  2. Exercise to get muscles moving
  3. Use ice for your home remedies
  4. Switch shoes
  5. Include in your diet sources of calcium and vitamin D
  6. Pick up and transport the objects carefully
  7. Massage
  8. Use relaxation techniques
  9. Stay moving
  10. Keep a positive attitude


1. Take a warm bath

The heat helps increase muscle elasticity, so take a hot bath for 20 minutes. If you add a little sea salt to the water, it will reduce inflammation and relieve back pain and give you a pleasant state of relaxation.
It is one of the most pleasant remedies for back pain – all you have to do is sit in the bathtub, relaxed, for 30 minutes.

Take a warm bath

2. Exercise to get muscles moving

Physical activity done correctly and consistently helps you prevent many ailments. To prevent the risk of back pain, two types of training are recommended:

  • Core Training – Strengthening the muscles around the abdomen and back through various exercises.
  • Flexibility – Improved flexibility, especially of the back and upper legs.

The following exercises can be performed in 2 ways. You can combine them in a circuit, or you can do them one by one, depending on the time you have. If you opt for the first option, please warm up your body 2 minutes before.

A. Climbing stairs

Assuming you have access to a ladder at work or at home, here’s an easy way to do a little cardio workout. Go up and down 2 floors.

B. Semi-knee bends

Standing in a chair, get up and sit back. Try to do 3 sets of 10 repetitions each. Pay close attention to breathing! Exhale after you get up, exhale when you sit down.

C. Sitting abdomen

While sitting on the bench, place your hands at your hips and tense your abdomen for 15 seconds, then relax for 5 seconds. If you feel it is too light, increase the maintenance time. (Recommended time for this exercise: 3 minutes)

D. Stretches for the lumbar area

Low back pain is very common in people who stay in the office for a long time. To prevent this, it is recommended to perform a light stretching exercise: Stand on a chair, extend your arms up to the ceiling, then bend your torso forward until you touch the ground with your palms (10 repetitions).


3. Use ice for your home remedies

Ice helps reduce inflammation and eliminate discomfort, because the nerves no longer send painful signals to the brain. Put ice in a towel and hold it on the painful area for 20-30 minutes. Also, it’s a relaxing remedy that you can use whenever you want.

Use ice for your home remedies

4. Switch shoes

Ladies choose high heels because they are elegant, but worn frequently can cause back pain. For daily activities, choose shoes with low heels and comfortable soles.


5. Include in your diet sources of calcium and vitamin D

Foods like yogurt, cheese, milk, fatty fish, egg yolks, are a good source of calcium and vitamin D. They are essential for the health of the bones and spine. As a bonus, a balanced diet helps you control your body weight. Obesity is a major risk factor for back pain because the spine and muscles have to support (too) many pounds. Also, this is a good remedies that keeps you health and strong.


6. Pick up and transport the objects carefully

When lifting heavy objects from the bottom, rely more on your feet instead of your back. Keep your back straight as much as possible, keep your knees bent and your legs slightly apart, in front of each other, to keep your balance. After you grab the object, to get up, straighten your legs, changing your back position as little as possible, so as not to put pressure on that area.


7. Massages are a good remedies for Back Pain

Massaging a tense muscle is one of the most effective remedies to relieve pain. One study confirmed that massage, combined with other methods of treatment, can reduce back pain, improve posture, but can also reduce the need to use anti-inflammatory medication. To increase the effect of the massage, you can use an ointment with anti-inflammatory effect.

Massages are a good remedies for Back Pain

8. Use relaxation techniques 

Many studies in the field have shown that meditation, breathing techniques, tai chi and yoga are not only good for the mind but also for the body. Specifically, they can relieve back pain and reduce the frequency with which episodes of back pain occur.


9. Stay moving

Avoid sitting in one position (eg sitting in front of a computer, watching TV, or lying in bed) for more than 20-30 minutes in a row. The sooner you can move normally, the sooner the back pain will go away.


10. Keep a positive attitude

If your back pain makes you feel frustrated or irritated, try not to let it control you. Practicing simple relaxation and breathing techniques are a good remedies that can help you get over your back pain.

Consult your doctor if your back pain does not subside over time or if you have any other worrying symptoms (eg fever, difficulty urinating, weakness, numbness or stinging of the feet).

Risk factors of Back Pain

Risk factors of Back Pain

A risk factor is something that increases the chances of having back pain. Having more risk factors means that you have a higher chance of having this type of pain. A unique problem for many reasons, low back pain can be treated in so many ways and by so many specialists.

Based on several studies published by the National Institutes of Health, we can say that 80% of adults are more likely to suffer from back pain throughout life. Most people resort to medications, massage devices or all kinds of treatments to get rid of back pain. It is very important to know the factors that can put us in the situation of suffering from these back pain.


  1. Age
  2. Smoking
  3. Pregnancy
  4. Job-related risks
  5. Sedentary lifestyle
  6. Obesity
  7. Mental illness
  8. Education
  9. Incorrect and sudden back movements
  10. Genetics


In the following we will present the most important and common risk factors for back pain:


1. Age

Older people are more at risk. Most patients experience lower back pain as they age. With age, osteoporosis can develop, and if it’s left untreated can lead to fractures. Also, chances of development spinal stenosis increases with age due to lost of cushioning and reduced muscle elasticity in the vertebrae.

While older adults may have pain related to any of the conditions that affect younger adults, people over the age of 60 are more susceptible to pain related to degeneration of the spine. Two of the most common causes of low back pain in older adults include osteoarthritis and spinal stenosis.

Joint osteoarthritis, also called degenerative arthritis or osteoarthritis of the spine, is a degenerative condition that develops over time. The pain is caused by damage to the cartilage between the articular facets of the spine. At first, the symptoms may be intermittent, but later they may develop into more stable pain in the lower back and eventually cause sciatica, in addition to low back pain.

As a general rule, the possibility of a compression fracture after any sudden onset of back pain should be considered in adults over 50 years of age, especially in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis, and in men or women after administration of long-term corticosteroid. In a person with osteoporosis, even a small amount of force applied to the spine, such as sneezing, can cause a compression fracture.


2. Smoking

People who smoke are more prone to moderate pain than those who do not smoke. Studies have found that people who smoke are more prone to lumbar spondylosis. Scientists are still researching the link between smoking and low back pain to find out more.


3. Pregnancy

The woman’s back is heavily stressed because she carries extra weight during the 9 months of pregnancy. During the pregnancy, the increased weight that the women needs to carry, can cause lower back injuries. The back pain doesn’t dissapears after childbirth.

As the uterus expands, it changes its center of gravity and also stretches (and weakens) the abdominal muscles, affects your posture and puts pressure on your back. It can also cause back pain if you press on a nerve. In addition, the extra weight carried means more work for the muscles and increased stress on the joints, which is why the back may feel more pain at the end of the day.

At the same time, hormonal changes during pregnancy weaken the joints and relax the ligaments that attach the pelvic bones to the spine. This can make you feel less stable and experience pain when you walk, sit, sit for a long time, get up from your chair or get out of the tub, lie down in bed or try to lift something.

More than two-thirds of pregnant women have back pain, especially posterior pelvic pain and middle pain. You may have back pain at the beginning of the pregnancy, but it usually occurs during the second half of the pregnancy and may get worse as the pregnancy progresses. After birth, the pain usually goes away in a few months, although it may persist.

Posterior pelvic pain is felt in the back of the pelvis. It is the most common type of lower back pain during pregnancy, although some women also have middle back pain. You may feel posterior pelvic pain as deep pain on one or both sides of the buttocks or on the back of the thigh. It can be triggered by walking, climbing stairs, entering and exiting the bathtub, twisting and lifting.

Lumbar pain occurs in the area of ​​the lumbar vertebrae in the lower back, higher on the body than the posterior pelvic pain. It can be felt around the spine, approximately at the waist. You may also have radiating pain in your legs. Sitting or standing for long periods of time aggravates the pain, making it more intense at the end of the day.



4. Job-related risks

Having a job or other activity that requires long periods of sitting, heavy lifting, bending or twisting, repetitive movements or constant vibrations, such as using a hammer or a certain type of heavy equipment. Any incorrect posture of the spine, maintained for longer, will increase the risk of low back pain. Among the moments when we adopt an incorrect posture are those when we sit at the computer or when we suddenly get out of bed.


5. Sedentary lifestyle

It increases the risk of pain in the lumbar area, as well as their severity. When weak, the abdominal muscles create a lack of support for the spine.


6. Obesity

People at risk are those with overweight and obesity. Extra pounds exert pressure not only on the lumbar area but also on the joints. Overweight / obesity increases the risk of developing low back pain.

Obesity is defined by medical experts as a disease. Overweight (or obesity) is a serious disorder that affects adults and children. Most people know that obesity contributes to the development of coronary heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and colon cancer.

Obesity can contribute significantly to the symptoms associated with osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis and spondylolisthesis.

The spine is designed to carry body weight and distribute the loads encountered during rest and activity. When we are obese, the spine is forced to assimilate the load, which can lead to structural compromises and damage (eg, injuries, sciatica). One region of the spine that is most vulnerable to the effects of obesity is the lumbar spine. Obesity can aggravate an existing problem in the back and can contribute to the recurrence of this condition.



7. Mental illness

Scientists claim that stress and other emotional factors can create lumbar pain, usually chronic in nature. Stress and other emotional factors play a major role in low back pain, especially in chronic back pain. Many people unconsciously tighten their back muscles when they are under stress.


8. Education

Several studies (Dionne, et al., 2001) have reported that individuals with lower levels of education experience more frequent and longer episodes of debilitating back pain. This connection can find explanation in the nature of work undertaken by less educated individuals, as well as in various other circumstances, including access to health care, smoking and alcohol consumption, unhealthy diet, poor mental health, elevated stress levels, and other factors.


9. Incorrect and sudden back movements

Understanding how movement influences your spine can help you communicate better with your doctor. The better the communication, the faster you will find a treatment that works.

When twisting, the large spinal muscles undergo a slight stretch. The most common reason why movement causes back or neck pain has nothing to do with the bones in the spine. Instead, it is related to the muscles and ligaments that surround the spine.

When you twist your lower back, such as during a golf move or while bending over to unload your shopping bags, you risk exaggerating or breaking any of the large muscles or supporting ligaments around your spine. In response to this damage, the surrounding area will usually become inflamed. This inflammation can lead to a back spasm that will cause middle pain.

The lumbar spine (lower back) is in constant motion and also carries the entire weight of the torso.  The movement of the lumbar spine is distributed among five segments of vertebral movement. Each of these segments consists of two joints covered with cartilage and a spinal disc.
The lower discs (L4-L5 and L5-S1) withstand the highest pressure and are therefore most likely to become herniated. A hernia can lead to sciatica pain that radiates to the leg.

Repeated movements, especially for athletes, can lead to vertebral osteoarthritis – or to the mechanical destruction of cartilage between the articulated facets aligned in the back of the spine.

When this happens, the facets of the joints become inflamed, and the progressive degeneration of the joints creates more pain by rubbing. As the back pain progresses, the movement and flexibility of the spine decrease.

Typical symptoms include:

  • More stiffness and pain in the lower spine, in the morning and later in the day.
  • More stiffness and pain in the sacroiliac joint in the morning and later in the day.
  • Decreased pain during the day, as normal movements shake the lubricating fluid of the joints.
  • Low back pain, which radiates to the pelvis, buttocks or thighs.

Incorrect and sudden back movements

10. Genetics

Inheritance can occur for low back pain caused by disc disease, just like eye color in genetics. People with a close family member such as a parent, a sibling or a child with low back pain are four times more likely to have back pain.

Genes can pass on various types of causal conditions, including physical and psychosomatic expressions:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Osteomalacia
  • Spondylosis
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Scoliosis
  • Back pain caused by obesity
  • Back pain caused by psychological factors